Friday, February 9

Oh, and happy, happy Friday.

It will be a very happy Friday indeed, if once and for all, I break down and buy the Eames RAR Rocker from Modern Seed.


kim. said...

DO IT!!!!!!!!!! (and post pics as soon as you can!)

haus maus said...

Do it Do it Do it.

sfgirlbybay said...

You two are a bad influence! ;)

Anonymous said...

what everyone else said! of course, if you get the rocker and need to rid your apartment of another piece of furniture, you'll have to let me know. (dibs!)

i actually just picked up a rocker on ebay and cannot wait to get it home. knitting in a rocking chair with a cup of tea nearby -- what could be better on a rainy weekend?

Anonymous said...

Can I suggest getting the one from instead? It's by Modernica instead of Herman Miller, and the fiberglass is so much more like the original than the molded plastic. Plus Velocity offers free shipping--and no sales tax. I ordered the same rocker from them myself!

sfgirlbybay said...

Yes, you may certainly suggest that! Thanks - I will call them. I was hoping to pick up the chair from Modern Seed, but they do not stock it in their stores. Great tip - thanks s much!

Anonymous said...

I think the chair is lovely but I don't fit in it. I am 5'6" 115 pounds and find it too tiny to be comfortable. If I ever have a kiddo I will buy one for him or her!

sfgirlbybay said...

anon - was it the Modern Seed chair that was too tiny? I'm considering the Velocity chair linked above.

Anonymous said...

I finally ordered my favorite chair in Elephant Hide Grey. I'm sure my husband will grow to love it. If not, I'll be very cozy, rocking away....

sfgirlbybay said...

I did it! I ordered the white one from Modernica - thanks again for that tip!

Anonymous said...

i'm so lucky i found one of these shells at a yard sale for $5 - then I ordered the rocker base off e-bay. i think the shell may be a repro, but i don't care... it's still nice!

sfgirlbybay said...

excellent score, angelune!