San Francisco in the Sky.
I have been very lucky to have met some great new friends through this blog, and along with the great feeling of creativity, it's probably the best thing I've gained from it. Recently I met San Francisco-based illustrator Leigh Wells through sfgirlbybay. I had linked to her website and she noticed the hits on hers and contacted me with thanks. Turns out we're neighbors and live a block away! Long story short, she invited me to her home last week for STITCH, a monthly 'stitch 'n bitch' group she's hosted for the last four years.
The minute I entered her beautiful home, I was itching to blog about it. It is that pretty. San Francisco is filled with tall, graceful, old apartment buildings (like the ones you see in her amazing view below) and they are often converted to condos. Leigh and husband Blair were lucky enough to find this one and they've demo'd it and turned into something really special.
They took a tired, out of date kitchen and turned into this sleek, modern, gourmet kitchen with a ton of great counter space, back splash and open shelving. It is a perfect cook's kitchen.They tore down old arches that weren't inviting and created new, open spaces that are super clean and welcome you to simple, uncluttered rooms. They have great taste and they've designed their home with an elegant restraint. Everything in their home, including some fantastic artwork and sculpture, seems to have special meaning and hold a special place. Even the dining room ceiling is a hand painted design of Leigh's and she recovered the dining rooms chairs herself. For someone who lives in such chic, fashionable home, this girl is absurdly crafty! She even knits her own cotton washcloths.
Thanks so much, Leigh, for allowing me to share your art-filled and stunning home. And thanks again for STITCH, I had a blast.
* a strange twist of fate, both Poppy Talk and Design*Sponge blogged about Leigh's illustrations the day after we met, so be sure and check 'em out. And for a larger view of the photos above, click on the image.
Looks like a great home. I have a quick question. What kind of counter tops did they use? We are looking for new ones for our house and I really like how sleek those are. Thanks for writing a great blog!!!
that ceiling is RIDICULOUSLY amazing -- she is so talented! that dining room is so gorgeous. thanks for the great post. joanna
Per Leigh re: the countertops: "it's good stuff... looks pretty good even with heavy use."
she says it's called Caesar Stone, and it's a composite quartz material that looks like stone or concrete, but it doesn't stain, and you don't have to seal it.
thanks Leigh! :)
What a beautiful home - and that ceiling is incredible! Now I HAVE to go check out her art.
Gorgeous space! Lucky... (:
Thank you for sharing those images. I'm gaga over the kitchen. It's beautiful in its simplicity, elegant as well. I have long shelving in my own kitchen, and it's so useful as well as strong visually. What a place!
Thanks for sharing these pictures. I used to take long walks in Pacific Heights and fantasized about the apartments in those gorgeously grand buildings. Wow! This one exceeds my dreams. Beautiful, charming and livable. And that ceiling is spectacular. How did Leigh do it? Did she lie on her back supported by a platform like the celulloid Michealangelo did paintng the Sistine Chapel? And what materials did she use? If you don't have time to reply, don't worry. Just curious.
Wow! Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!!! I'm gaga over her ceiling! That is such an awesome idea!!
Victoria: What a huge compliment to be included in your blog! To answer Lori's question about the dining room ceiling... Used a waxy-oil pastel line. Put it up there while standing on a low 4 ft. ladder, breaking every three minutes or so to straighten my aching neck and get the blood flow back into my arm!
Absolutely gorgeous. Love love the dining room and the whole blogging thing has been such a fun ride. k
i'm so glad everyone enjoyed this post.
and thanks leigh for sharing your neck-breaking technique! :)
What a fabulous home, I love everything from the large window allowing natural light in to the painted ceiling. Gorgeous patterned dining chairs and bed headboard. Thank you for this post.
Leigh's home is amazing, and it's filled with beautiful art. I've been lucky enough to see it in person too at some stitch nights. When I saw that ceiling drawing I gasped. Leigh, you are SO talented.
I just found your blog and I'm an instant fan!
how fun! only in blogland! i was googling hand lettering and found her and instantly became a fan. what a gorgeous home!
Thanks, ladies!
I have sipped many a fine cocktail in that apartment, and the decor is matched only by the fabulousness of the hosts. Great work!
The world just gets smaller, Telstar!
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