Thursday, May 10

Why dear, turquoise, of course!

This room is so retro-fabulous I just had to share. Please forgive me, as I cannot recall it's source (so, if you know, please share so I can credit them properly*). I saw it and pictured Twiggy lounging in the chaise, Jacqueline Susann writing Valley of the Dolls from her bed and girls in high school wearing really bad blue eye shadow, all at the same time. And, yet, I kinda dig it. And, I thought the creme de la creme would have been to hang the Lady by the Sea (see just below) right above that bed, just to add a wink of surprise. I probably couldn't live here, but what a fun seaside guest room (should I ever get one of those).

*Update: Jo from Desire to Inspire (and that's probably where I found this image in the first place!) kindly just informed me the image is from Betsy Burnham, which also has some lovely design inspiration. Thanks Jo!


Jo Walker said...

It's by Betsy Burnham. Check out the rest of her portfolio. It's amazing.

Anonymous said...

Love turquoise, that sofa looks so comfy. I love the added chandelier feature.

momma j lee ♥ said...

I absolutely love this room!

Anonymous said...

Oh my God. This is amazing. I want to live here. And never leave...

Anonymous said...

Sans all the white, our bedroom is a deep turquoise. It's such a peaceful, relaxing color and really looks beautiful during all the light stages of the day.

ChiGirl said...

I don't know why but when I see rooms with this color scheme all I want to do is throw in a red pillow or something! Beautiful though, even without the red.

Erin said...

oh my goodness i love this room sooo much! it's so refreshing!

sfgirlbybay said...

Thanks Jo! Did I find this on Desire to Inspire? :)

franki durbin said...

So much fun! I saw this recently on another blog (AT?) when someone was looking for an alternative to a headboard. The stripes seemed like a fun alternative to traditional wallcoverings and furbishings.

You nailed it with Twiggy and Valley of the Dolls. But of course! ;)

mushroomgarden said...

feels like living in tiffany blue box ~ luxury!!! I love to live there too!