Oh, I love prizes!
And, I love Amy Butler. Amy's fresh, modern style makes me think nothing goes wrong in Amy Land. Her fabrics are fun, vibrant, and yet really tasteful and full of style. They are simply, happy fabrics. And, her patterns are functional, but also fall into the 'I want it' category. So, here's your chance to win an Amy Butler Betty Shopper sewing pattern. I love this big, roomy bag. And with plastic bags now outlawed (yeah!) in San Francisco, I keep looking for the coolest of cool fabric bags to haul my groceries in.Email Chronicle Books (webmaster@chroniclebooks.com) with the subject line "stitches" and you'll have a chance to win 1 of 25 free Betty Shopper patterns. Betty Shopper is a large shoulder bag and portfolio; over sized to fit just about anything you might need to tote around. The pattern comes with two sizes to make, with special pockets right where you need them. Winners will be chosen Wednesday June 20, 2007, so sign up now. For more of Amy's cool patterns check out her book In Stitches from Chronicle Books. It's one of my favorites.
Hey Victoria, how does the plastic bag outlawing work in SF? In Ireland for the last number of years people have been paying a 15c levy on plastic shopping bags and now most stores use only paper bags!
hi zee,
the larger chain stores just aren't allowed to carry them anymore. little corner stores are exempt. so it's paper or bring your own! i actualy find my canvas bags much easier to tote than plastic or paper - they feel more secure.
i have the book in stitches. i really love that book =)
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