Thursday, February 7

First Thursdays.

First Thursdays are when many downtown San Francisco art galleries stay open late (usually until about 8pm) for viewing art, meeting the artists, and general hanging out with other art aficionados. It's a great way to support local art, as well as be seen, be seen seeing great art!

The galleries around Union Square, all within reasonable walking distance stay open on the first Thursday of the month, allowing those 9 to 5'ers to check the galleries out after working hours. 49 Geary is chock full of galleries from top to bottom, so head to the top floor and work your way down and around to all the galleries with all the rest of the art lovers. If you're in San Francisco, head out tonight to see the art, meet some new friends, and drink the free wine!

*Photos courtesy of Catharine Clark Gallery.


Hungry in LA said...

Thanks for the reminder - I knew this happened but I wasn't sure where and when. Now I have plans for tonight!

Calie Durant said...

Thanks for letting us know about this. I just added it to my outlook. There are so many great events going on that you really do have to write things down or your forget. Have a great weekend!