Thursday, August 28

Surprising Sunset.

Have you checked out Sunset Magazine lately? I used to kind of think as Sunset as my mum & dad's magazine, kind of old school. But it's definitely not old school, instead it's hip and very current, and includes loads of great features on interior design, garden, fantastic recipes and food writing, as well as wonderful DIY projects of all kinds. They have inspiring Idea Houses in Northern California, a Wine Club, and excellent travel resources, and all of it, done with really well shot photography. There's also the Sunset blog, Home by Sunset, which is really great!

A fantastic home decorating article on DIY wallpapering ideas.

This month's travel feature on Malibu Beach, California.

Shopping and craft tips from the blog, Home by Sunset.

This month also features Sunset's top wine list and top wine bars.


Tracey said...

Just what I need- another magazine to fall in love with! I have to check out their blog also. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Same here - I totally thought of Sunset as something for retirees until not long ago. Now it's become one of my favorite magazines. Can't help wondering if it's had a bit of an image makeover, or if it's the fact that I'm getting, um, older that has made me appreciate it :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, I had no idea. I always thought it was an old person's magazine too!

Anonymous said...

What a novel idea on how to display old pics - thhose old florist thingies!

Anonymous said...

My mother has subscribed to Sunset for as long as I can remember. It has been updated recently. I like the makeover, except for the features on celebrities. Who needs more of that?

Goody said...

i have been a subscriber for a while now and its great. their website is what turned me on to them in the first place. a great resource indeed.

Anonymous said...

SFgirl: I noticed under the "older posts" section that you might have a garden area outside your place? Can we see a picture of that and how you have decorated?

I also share your love of white. I think you need an old lady head vase - they mass produced white ones (who look like movie stars from the 40's) in white. I have two (small and large) and love 'em. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check it out on E-Bay.


Sugar Plum Invitations said...

My parents always had Sunset growing up, and they have certainly re-invented themselves. I love the recent photography, style and look. Two thumbs up, a new favorite of mine too!
PS- last month they even featured San Luis Obispo:-)

eM said...

I thought this post was going to be about the Sunset *district*!! :-)

That is definitely not my mother's Sunset...

I love using flower frogs for photos-it allows me to switch them around often.

SimplyGrove said...

Ok, that ceiling and staircase have me drooling right now! Way to go sunset:)

Jaime said...

I subscribed to Sunset magazine after seeing their great blog online. I've been getting it for about 6 months now, and I love it. Next to Domino, it's my favorite magazine. And by the way, I'm under 30 ;)

Anonymous said...

Love it! My Dad gave me a subcription for Christmas and I really look forward to it every month. It's pretty chic and I like that it feels "local".

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you read (and the magazine, of course!)
It made me so happy about it that I blogged about it right away.
thanks sfgirlbybay!

Scarlett Fiona Reed said...

The flower frog picture was taken at my shop, Saffron and Genevieve in Santa Cruz. Thanks Victoria, for picking it up! ps I have saved all of sunsets destination ideas in a folder and pull them out when I have a free weekend (not too often)

Anonymous said...

Sunset does seem to have gotten a style makeover to compliment their always wonderful garden writing. Unfortunately, their travel and dining coverage has also changed, but this for the worse. Sunset used to highlight local secrets and hidden gems but has recently become unimaginative and predictable. If you need a great place to stay in Half Moon Bay, try the Ritz Carlton. Dining in Berkeley? Chez Panisse. Fresh produce in SF? Try the Ferry Building Farmers Market. They're not bad suggestions, but hardly unique. Still, two-thirds of a good magazine ain't bad.

CorrieSue said...

hey sunset girl,

i too have just recently rediscovered Sunset magazine and couldn't agree with you more. the 2 recipes i tried from the magazine were really great. thanks for reminding me to send in my subscription. also, hope to check out slow food tomorrow. love this stuff !!

just checking out your blog for the first time, enjoying your pics and stories .


prettywithribbons said...

I just ordered a trial subscription - I had also always thought of it as something to read while waiting at the dentist.
'love the idea of the brushes (or whatever they are) holding photos...

Anonymous said...

Kind of a random question. I loved that DIY garden idea picture and connot seem to find the link on the Sunset website???? Do you happen to have it, or know what it is called. Thanks for your help, and Sunset, who knew? Love it.

sfgirlbybay said...

Anon - that's a scan i took from the magazine - the September issue, page 84. :)

Sheri Reed said...

yes, i was also recently pleasantly surprised by sunset. i still can't forgive them for all their troubled teen brainwashing camp ads in the back. wtf?