GUEST BLOGGER: Mrs. French from Bliss
My name is Mrs. French. I have had my blog, bliss, since this past March and like to think of myself as a bit of a photographer...I have a little etsy shop, blissful images. Strange how when it comes to blogging I never seem to be short on words...but put me in new beautiful surroundings and my fingers have a hard time plunking away at the keys...In all honestly, I am so thrilled to be here and look forward to the next three Wednesdays with you.
When Victoria approached me about possibly being a guest blogger I instantly came up with the topics for my three posts. I wanted to share a bit of the city I call home, share my aesthetic, and introduce my new audience to something I know they will love:
Welcome to Noun: a person's place for things. Hands down my favorite little shop in Portland.
I have to admit my first visit to Noun was purely by accident...I went for the cupcakes. Noun shares its space with the most lovely of cupcakeries, Saint Cupcake. Typically I had to cross the bridge to partake in cupcake goodness, so when I found out that the eastside version was up and running I may have been the first patron at the door. Which is how I blissfully stumbled into Noun.
Upon entering Noun you feel as if you have just stepped foot in the home of you most stylish friend. The friend who has the knack to put it all together...old and new...while still managing to create a warm, inviting environment.
I first posted on Noun on my blog this past April. Through that post, numerous visits, and this post, I have enjoyed getting to know Stephanie and know you will too.
Why did you open Noun?
Owning my own business was always something I wanted to do and Portland really fosters that entrepreneurial spirit in people my age. When I was in my 20's I was really into shoes, so i wanted to owna a shoe store. In my 30's, I was settling down in a home with my sensational boyfriend (since turned husband) and so I was all about that...creating a beautiful home and life that's the kind of store I chose to open.
Describe Noun's philosophy:
Functional beauty. We really think everyone should have the opportunity to be surrounded with beautiful things that they love. At the same time, we don't like things to sit on a shelf and get dusty if they are meant to be used! We personally like old stuff the best but believe in mixing old and new is the most cost effective, practical and interesting way to that's what we do in the store and at home.
How do you choose the artists for your shop?
For now, I only show local people...other than that, it's the same way I choose everything for the store...I just love it myself. Except, in addition to loving their work, I have to really like the artist too. I learned that lesson early on. Those girls/artist whose work we show permanently, I really care for and admire. I think visitors to the store understand and appreciate that. Customers can feel when you're not being genuine and so that is where the rule comes from.
Some of those lucky local ladies are:
Puji Sherer
Tasi Designs
goodness, the list goes on...
I hope you have enjoyed our little virtual tour, and if you are ever in our neck of the woods do stop by will be so happy you did.

Yay Mrs. French! :)
This shop looks adorable. Definitely a must-visit if I'm ever in Portland!
Can't wait to see your next post...
What a clever shop name!
It looks like she's curated a beautiful collection. Thanks for sharing!
that settles it. i'm moving to portland.
so glad to see you on another of my favorite blogs, Mrs. French. :)
i could spend hours in that shop! i'm sure you do.
Hi, Mrs. French! It's so fun to see you here. :)
I love this post for so many reasons. 1. Love the shop name! So clever.
2. I'm a huge cupcake fan, so any post that mentions cupcakes instantly has my attention.
3. I love shopping, so I'll definitely put Noun for my next trip to Portland!
Great post Mrs French! Wow - I may have to make a special trip to Portland to check out this shop. Any other recommendations?
jaw on the floor.
feet in the clouds.
what a great shop, stephanie!
thank you, mrs. french.
nice to meet you, victoria.
Msr.French, you have made a great guest post, Noun seems a gorgeous place.
I,also, love your Bliss blog.
Greetings from Argentina
Wow! This looks like *the* shop to go and visit :) I would be so thrilled to drop in if I ever make it over your way!
Bravo for the first entry of three over here, Mrs. French!
Hope you're having fun in Thailand, Victoria :)
Oh my gosh. This store is jaw dropping. I could spend hours browsing. One more reason for me to be jealous of Portland. Fun to see you over here, Mrs. French!
what a clever little shop. if only my boyfriend would approve, i would die for a little pink fridge like that one!
This looks like a wonderful place to get lost in. I love how Stephanie chooses artists based on their work, as well as how she enjoys them as individuals. Portland is so full of interesting and talented people.
It's one of those stores you can spend hours in and still find treasures hidden here and there.
Miss F, I will follow you wherever you go. This shop looks devine...
Why, why, why can't I live in Portland?
ohmygod...the Saint Cupcake in Noun is one of my favorite places on earth. It's within walking distance of my house, so I've made a rule that I can only go in there accompanied by a friend (lest every day be amazing cupcake day!). I am so psyched that you're blogging PDX for sfgirlbybay. Thanks, Mrs. French!
Looks like a very cute shop! I'm definitely going to check it out.
Great post Mrs. French. I think you have posted pictures of the cupcakes before. They looked yummy. This shop looks like it is right up my alley too.
great shop--i could live there!
What a sweet shop! I hope I can go to Portland one day, it seems so nice!!
Hello Mrs French! Lovely to see you here too! This shop is adorable and yet another reason I am well overdue for a trip down to Portland, I think I will go very soon! Hmmm, Christmas shopping in Portland sure does sound nice....
Coming to Portland on Friday...Noun might just need to be added to the list of places to see!
Sounds like a reason to hop on a plane.
That's it! I am moving!! What a great place and thanks for feeding my etsy love with all the links!
I want to visit Portland so bad now...all these cute little shops, you gals are so lucky..
great post! And littlebyrds hats looks gorgeous in the displays. I wish I could visit this shop
: )
that is easily the best name for a shop...evah! well done with the intro, mrs. french!
i'm totally drooling. xoxo.
What a beautiful shop full of beautiful things. Makes me wish I lived in Portland - or at least somewhere in the States so I could visit.
love those moss balls!
LOVELy post. LOVELY! i cannot wait to stop by NOUN the next time I'm in town.
Wonderful post on a terrific shop! I had just posted a blog on a visit to Noun myself at
Always enjoy your posts.
Until I started reading creative blogs, I had NO idea that Portland was such a wonderfully creative hub! Now it's definitely on my "to visit" list for when I'm next in the States. Gorgeous shop!
Hey there! Nice to see you here - you are so lucky to have a store like that nearby! Love the pink fridge!
FRENCHIE!!! OMG, such a fantastic post. First, what an honor to be blogging on SFGBB. Second, I absolutely LOVE the name of the store. What a fantastic concept! "Noun: A person's place for things." It's genius and if only I'd thought of it. I immediately spotted the Rachel Austin paintings...I am a huge fan...and I can't get over everything else in the store, including that fabulous pink fridge!
Well done, Frenchie. Kisses from your New York pal, Bee:)
Oh, how I love Noun. It's one of my favorite places to stop by and peek around, especially since it goes along with getting delicious cupcakes.
YAY! Mrs. French! I love this post, this shop is divine and what I wouldn't give to go shopping there with you one day! Right? are you and your wonderful taste and style!
oh how i wish i was in portland!
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