Wednesday, March 25

Reading Antler?

Antler is a brand new online magazine I just received via email, and I got to wondering how y'all feel about reading a magazine online? Antler focuses on composing a collection of beautiful, inspiring ideas and designs from all aspects of life. They come in the body of a fashion magazine, but are more than just that. Antler looks for ways to inspire through not only fashion, but art, design, literature, and culture, and strives to compile a new collection each month that meets this criteria.

Antler publishes online to help reduce our carbon footprint, but also to make Antler accessible to readers from all corners of the globe, and promises to showcase more than just a superficial layer of fashion, and to feature innovation and how people are contributing to make the world a better place. Antler is not only for a source of amazing fashion, art, culture and beauty, but will enchant and inspire as well. How do you feel about reading a magazine online? Do you missing being able to rip out those wonderful tactile pages in a glossy magazine? Or do you abide by this new idea of reducing the carbon imprint on our planet, and making magazine reading more affordable, not just for the publishers, but for readers as well?

Antler is also looking for contributions in fashion, art, design, music, literature, and culture. If you have something that you think would be a perfect fit for Antler, you can send them an email letting them know at:


Anonymous said...

Absolutely LOVE the idea of on line magazines. Especially one that gives a person a deeper concept of beauty. One that goes beyond the surface and is so balanced with substance, creativity and purpose. Luvin' these wonderful people!
Dee :)

Amber said...

The photos from the magazine look wonderful but there is something so special about turning the pages of a new glossy magazine. I love to read them in the bath too and this could prove a little difficult with a laptop!

sarah scott said...

Thanks you for sharing this new Mag, it is gorgeous and very inspiring.


mimi charmante said...

I had never thought about an online magazine before. I do love when my favorites arrive in the mail, but as some of my favorites have recently disappeared, I think that maybe times are changing. I think I would "subscribe" to an online magazine, as most likely it is the way of the future~
Thanks for sharing - I always love seeing something new and inspiring, and this qualifies for both!

jacklyn said...

wow...this is awesome! i love it!

caroline said...

i also feel like i'm missing something when i don't hold a magazine in my hand. i don't even read the online pubs that i have bookmarked, i always forget to!

Sherry said...

I looked at Antler earlier this week and was mesmerized by it...I think it's going to be hugely successful.

It's time to start changing our thinking, changing how we do offers so much potential and while I love the "feel" of a magazine in my hand and turning the pages, there is no question that a collection of them takes up space and ultimately they end up in the recycling bucket...this seems to be the wave of the future and Antler is coming in on the ground floor. Brava to the publishers!

MFAMB said...

interesting! i will have to check it out!!

Anonymous said...

I love the printed page AND online inspiration. Yes, I will miss the ripping of paper and those mornings in bed with coffee and my folder of "ideas" strewn about.

Mary said...

I think there is room for both types of magazines. I often save magazines and refer to them over and over. I also like to be able to take them places I would not be able to use my computer. But, this seems to be a unique online magazine that will provide some great inspiration!

Tiffany said...

Wow, I'm bookmarking Antler!

I like being able to clip pages from magazines I want to save in my design log, but lately I've found reading online publications to be more convenient (and cheaper!).

Sarai said...

I feel like the direct translation of paper magazines to online magazines is too literal. As someone else said, I never remember to go back to them for one thing. I also find them a little hard to read, and feel like I tend to rush through them. With a paper magazine or book, I really seem to savor every page. Maybe I've just trained myself to skim online content because I read a million feeds every day?

Blogs just seem like a better fit for the medium of the web, but I definitely appreciate the talent and work and art direction that goes into the online magazines! Maybe the format just needs some tweaks.

Carlene said...

Theoretically, it's a nice idea. But will the new media train all the unemployed print workers to become employed online workers? I'm guessing no, and where will that leave me (print production worker for 20 years)? Dogwalking, probably. If I'm lucky.

sfgirlbybay said...

this has been an interesting thread. i too, like the idea of it, but also miss the tactile feeling of a printed piece.

carlene - i also used to be a print producer and art buyer and often worried about my future there when the 'worldwide web' took over the universe. and you're right - it's not an easy transition for the actual pressmen and women behind the's not like they can just pick up graphic design skills on the computer all of sudden. so it's a conundrum, isn't it?

Stephanie said...

Thanks for sharing this! I thought the photography was lovely but I had a hard time reading the copy. There is a difference between designing for a print magazine and designing for the web. I think it's a great idea, though, and I wish them well!

The Fab Miss B said...

I think it's a great idea thoeoretically, but I can't stand to read on a computer screen. my husband uses a kindle which is a very cool solution for books, but there is nothing I've seen that can substitute for a nice glossy in my hands.

Jennifer said...

Interesting concept, but as others have commented, I found the text *incredibly* difficult to read. I had to laugh at the "turning page" sound effect--it doesn't make me feel at all like I'm really turning a page. I do wish them luck, and maybe things will evolve with future issues.

msjuliejulie said...

The art direction here is quite beautiful, but the outdated application they use to create the magazine is making its text and navigation suffer. An optimized PDF would do the trick - no extra page curls and effects needed!

I would also echo what others have mentioned - I think the future of media is more like what *you* (and other bloggists) are doing victoria, rich visuals, great content - but we need to come up with a better way to combine it all. Something sexier than a blogroll or a feed reader.

Imagine if you could combine this blog with decor8 and apartment therapy in a way that felt more like browsing say - domino?

ps. I am also from a print background.. but now design how people interact with websites - if that tells you anything about how things are trending. :)

sfgirlbybay said...

thanks to everyone for your two cents - very interesting perceptives.

juliejulie - i'd love to hear more from you (and the rest of you readers) on how to improve my site for better and more interesting readership. drop me a line with any ideas!