Tuesday, February 20

Rockin' My Eames.

My new chair arrived! My new chair arrived! Oh, right, I said that. But it did! Thanks for all the support and encouragement to spend my hard earned money on pretty, pretty things. I love my pretty, new Modernica Eames Rocker!

*Top photo courtesy of the fabulous 10 cent designer.


Lori Andrews said...


sfgirlbybay said...

lori - is calgary like ten minutes in the future? you're so quick to repond! :)

Lori Andrews said...

yes. it's the salmon.

sfgirlbybay said...

oh, of course. silly me.

ali said...

v - what an awesome chair! is it comfy?

Anonymous said...

I love that chair! It's on my wishlist.... It fits perfectly in your home!

** Terramia ** said...

Looks awesome!

kim. said...

I am soooooo jealous! It's the cutest chair ever!!!!!

Anonymous said...

that is a GREAT chair!! love it :)

haus maus said...

Oh sweetie!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

V, I think you and Design*Sponge are turning me on to this whole mid-century thing (maybe a little butty bitty bit.) This actually looks good but won't it hurt your butt to sit in it? Or is that like asking about foot pain with Manolos...

Anonymous said...

so jealous!

Anonymous said...

good for you!!!!!! "sensible splurge".

Asli said...

oh, it fits perfectly. don't have to say how jealous I am, do I?

Anonymous said...

That is the absolute first piece of furniture I am going to buy when I get a proper income! I have loved that chair for over a decade now, it is just so perfect! Congratulations to a great buy, I think I can imagine how happy you must be!

sfgirlbybay said...

thanks everyone! i highly recommended the investment! :)

cassapinka - it's actually quite comfortable - i was sitting by the fire this weekend and it was great!

Making it Lovely said...


Lyn said...

sooooooo jealous! It's fabulous and I love the top pic. enjoy it!

Unknown said...

Is it a new or a vintage one?

sfgirlbybay said...

thanks again!

ella - it's new, not the real thing, but i love it!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you got it from Velocity--they're the best furniture folks on the Web! (I was the one who originally recommended them for the rocker.... I love my orange one more every day!)

sfgirlbybay said...

thanks paris!

thanks anon! i couldn't have done it without you. great recommendation!