Sunday, September 23

A R T: My Mom Wears Raybans.

Photography is probably my favorite form of art. I love that it captures a single moment in time so perfectly, but stirs many thoughts and memories. This is one of my favorite snapshots - it's of me and my mum. This one's at Santa Monica Beach; we called it Jimmy's Beach 'cause that was the name of the elderly guy who ran the parking lot on PCH. We usually parked in this lot, unless it was full; then we'd head a little further south, down in front of Peter Lawford's house (the so-called western branch of The White House), where the Kennedy's and Marilyn used to hang. This house in the background was Dagwood Bumstead's (as in Blondie & Dagwood). Mae West's house was right next door and always had all the shades drawn. We went to the beach most every Sunday and my dad would build us rockin' sand castles and we'd ride our inflatable surfriders 'til we turned into prunes. I called it church. And it was good. Praise the waves, hallelujah. Just memories I have - all from that single image.


Anonymous said...

This is beautiful. You're so right about images invoking rich memories... This post really made me smile :)

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way about photography, great pic of you and your Mom. It's looks like So. Cal. :)

Anonymous said...

I too have a host of memories fueled by one photo. Even if I am not in the photo itself, the period in time strikes a the trunk of a tree who's roots run deep. This photo is so successful at the art of "moment in time"... I'm moved.