Sunday, November 19

Find of the day.

Have you ever seen Found Magazine? It has amazing little found objects submitted by readers that evoke many emotions, from sorrow, to cheer, to hope. Here's today's find and the story behind it...

Found by Joseph Mirabello in Richmond, Virginia. "I was in an elevator after a particularly rough day of classes when I looked down and found this on the floor. It was a nice reminder." Sometimes you find what you need just when you need it.


love.boxes said...

What a beautiful post too! :) That makes me happy!

Juliane said...

This makes me want to go and Hansel and Gretel the world up with little encouraging bits of paper! Is this littering?

Anonymous said...

OMG, I LOVE this. How very fantastic!

Anonymous said...

I discovered FOUND about three years ago while doing a search online of alternative periodicals. I can't tell you how thrilled I was to know that there were others who appreciated these treasures from the streets. I myself had been a connoisseur of shopping lists left behind in shopping carts for many years. I love trying to decipher the personality and purpose behind the list. Is it a single or married person, shopping for a party or family? thank you for posting about this magazine :)