Tuesday, January 16

Jasper is here!

My new Room & Board Jasper sofa arrived over the long weekend! I am so happy with it - it's super comfortable, nice and sleek and suits my other furniture quite well. I love it's little tapered legs, too. I also picked up a vintage mid century modern coffee table from Past Perfect on Lombard Street, as well as some new pillows and accessories from Anthroplogie. It was one of those weekends when I was on a wild tear trying to make it all perfect in one fail swoop! I'm not quite there, yet, but happy with the results so far. My aim is to de-clutter and go for a bit cleaner, fresher look. I also swapped out the position of the bookcase with the buffet and like it a whole lot better this way. I took out all my books and papers and just general stuff (I swear I could have my own stationery shop with all the paper goods I found in there!) and exchanged them for all my dishes and ceramic and wood collectibles. Oh, and the new chartreuse green chair and ottoman is here, too. One big happy home. Thanks for everyone's help in making this big decision!


Linda O'Neill said...

Hello San Francisco girl...from an ex-Marin girl! Your place looks amazing...you did a fantastic job.

jen said...

gorgeous! i love the last 4 photos~amazing!

Katie said...

It looks fantastic!!!! Way to go!

CeLee said...

i love how your paired the wicker metal chairs with the docksta. great combo! love your place!

zara said...

I love your place. It looks so stylish but also really comfy and cozy!

Anonymous said...

Geat sofa! I'm curious what's under those covers. Would you mind posting some nudie pix?

Anonymous said...

It's all gorgeous. Gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

Love the new sofa....actually, love your entire apartment!

Anonymous said...

Looks great. I love how you pull everything together so effortlessly!

haus maus said...

I love the Jasper - it looks terrific. :) Room and Board delivers FAST - wow!

I liked your buffet where you had it better though, it doesn't compete as much with your photo wall in your living room as the bookcase does (when you are looking at the dining room from the living room). I think the buffet back in its orginal space with a massive mirror on it (almost to the ceiling) would be awesome. It would give the room depth, and allow the light from your living room windows to bounce off and around to fill the space.

I'm afraid the bookcase stops the room visually so it looks smaller now and seems to suck in the light and tighten the space.

Just MY crazy opinion. But I love the Jasper and that coffee table, YUMMY.

Chelsea said...

It's so perfect. And now that I've seen it in a real room Andre is getting dumped.

** Terramia ** said...

Oh la la! Looks fantastique!
La maison, sweet la maison...

sfgirlbybay said...

Thank you so much everyone! And Holly, I always appreciate your insights. I'm actually tiring of the picture wall and am thinking of painting it and putting something simple there. I'm always changing!

I'm glad you all like it!

Anonymous said...

LOVE it! I really think I could move in and not change a thing. I am also working on that whole less is more and simplify theory. It is easier said than done.

Everything looks so beautiful, so welcoming and such like a warm home.

Dawn Marie

Anonymous said...

Hello! My name is Chris Brown. I'm the creator of urbanprairie.net

After reading through your blog, which I love by the way, I learned your interest in David Butler from Art of the Midwest. I'm a designer/stylist/collector also. David is a friend and appears on my site in the STYLE & INSPIRATION section, under COLLECTOR PROFILES. He also interviews me in the MEET CHRIS section of the site.

You'll also find that I share a passion for all things ODD at my blog urbanprairierefueled.blogspot.com

...well, it's great to find a blog that's interesting and from a person with cool style & taste.

Best, Chris

sfgirlbybay said...

Dawn Marie - I must say the de-cluttering is very liberating and makes me feel calmer somehow. So I highly recommend it. Plus I sold some of the things on craigslist and made some extra money towards the new sofa!

Chris - thank you so much! I love Art of the Midwest and have been a fan for a long time. I will definitely check out your blog and your interview with David. Thanks for letting us know about it.

Are you saying I'm ODD? :) I prefer 'quirky'.

Anonymous said...

Hi Victoria - love the new sofa and how you are always changing the layout and props in your place. Change is so inspiring and decluttering (and more importantly collecting MORE new things) is such a great from of room "therapy". Jo

Anonymous said...

Jasper certainly looks good, and so does the rest of your apartment! I love the turquoise colored ceramics; they match very well with your wooden furniture and floor.

I love de-cluttering too! It is not only good for your house, but good for the soul as well.

Great job!

Anonymous said...

May be I am the "Minimalistic" at the other end of the spectrum, my personal opinion is there is too much in the room. The photographs on the wall are too many but it adds a lot of warmth to the room. So let that stay. The shelf with the cubby holes adds clutter - But yes, you have very nice pieces. May you can change from time to time , leave a few cubbies empty. This will help the eye to focus and also help the cubby hole make a statement.

Great Furniture pieces !

That's my wacky opinion.

Anonymous said...

Where did you get that orangey swirly pillow--I love it! Vintage find?

sfgirlbybay said...

Thanks Julian - I have to take baby steps. You should have seen it before. :)

Sandra - the pillow is from Anthropologie and I got it last week, so they should have them in stock.


haus maus said...

I forgot to tell you Victoria... That little flower pillow on your chair is the best I've seen in a long time - not only the fabric, but the shape. It's so usual, I've never seen that pillow before anywhere in my life. What a cool find. I want to cut out a pattern and make my own version now. :)

sfgirlbybay said...

Thanks Holly - it's a flea market find - I think it was $2.00! Would you like me to do a tracing of it and send it to you?

Anonymous said...

Hi - I love your site. I'm inspired by your flea market finds, even though the couch isn't one of them :) I live on the east coast, and I was wondering if you had suggestions on how I find good flea markets inbetween new york and philly?


Anonymous said...

I love how your place has developed. Jaspar looks great! I think doing something different with the picture gallery wall will be cool, too. What colors are you thinking about (at the moment). Although, since I like that wall, maybe you will do a mini-version of it somewhere else?

sfgirlbybay said...

hi carrie - you know, i've heard of small flea markets in Chelsea, but i'm not as familiar with the east coast. you should look on apartment therapy NYC and do a search, or ask the group. i'll bet they'll have some tips.

apartment therapy NYC

thanks kate! i'm contemplating a pale aqua blue. and yes, i was thinking of moving the gallery (and making it smaller) to up above the door way to my bedroom along the top of the walls. stay tuned!

Anonymous said...

i love your place, but am apprehensive about the hanging glass lamp that used to be over your table, the one the previous people had...where did it go?!
do not say it went on craigslist or i shall harm myself.

sfgirlbybay said...

don't cry, crying girl - it's still there! i have really high ceilings - 13' - so you just can't see it in these photos. it got cropped out. i would never get rid of that. it's beautiful Venetian glass.

feel better? :)

Anonymous said...

better!? i am giddy and glad to hear you won't part with it!

Joie said...

I love it. I especially like that you used the bookcase for your ceramic and wood pieces. Everything is beautiful.