Good Eye, Indeed.
Good Eye is a glorious, bright yellow (submarine?) mid-century modern furniture shop in the Washington, D.C. area. What's great for us non-Washingtonians is that they also have an amazing selection of online vintage shopping, with 15 new room vignette photos of their furniture inventory to help you visualize your purchases in a in-situ room setting, and various affordable shipping options to help you get your finds home. I think their prices are really quite reasonable, as well.Beautiful, Danish Tambour Door teak credenzas, funky rat-pack looking cocktail bars, modern floor lamps and lovely Hans Wegnner Rockers. They also have quite a few types of these unusual mid-century modern American of Martinsville Benches, with glass door or open display cabinets attached. What a cool look.
They also have an eBay Store and if you're in the D.C. area, apparently they're having their big summer clearance sale. Drop by the store this weekend to take advantage of some incredible bargains. Go on, hurry. Beat George W. & Laura to the good stuff. Can't you just see this stuff in the Oval Office? Worlds would collide and peace could finally reign in the zen-like, pure design aesthetic. Foreigners would marvel at our taste, rather than cringe at the gilded and the fluffed. And all would be happy in the land again.
I recently moved to DC and am still seeking out good places to shop! thx for the tip! the chair and the lamps! Too bad that my plan is to visit US in Sept...looks like I am missing a lot of summer sales!
Ooooh, we Washingtonians have been jealously guarding our Good Eye secret! It is such a great resource!
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