Never Get Lost Shopping Again!
Rachel & Michael, the kindly folks at Maptote sent me this link to their cute cotton shopping bags. I'm a map and a bag hound, so I'm instantly big fan. I have quite a few bags, but they're a great alternative to plastic bags so I keep lots around the house and in my car. Maptotes are a fun souvenir gift idea too. Delirious from too much shopping, you can simply refer to your handy Maptote to navigate your way back home!On a side note, we all take our own shopping bags to the grocery store now, but I've been wondering what the policy is, say, in a department store or a drugstore if you'd rather use your own bags when leaving the register. Does anyone have any experience with this? I'm always worried they'd think I'm shopping lifting and I'd wind up with the Winona treatment (could it be possible she was ahead of the curve and just had an environmental conscience, even back then?). This policy shouldn't just apply to groceries, right? Think of the number of plastic Gap bags out there!
I don't use my canvas bags until I get to the register anyway so no problems thus far!
i NEVER accept a plastic bag from anywhere if i can avoid it. I have a roll up cloth bag always stashed in my handbag so when paying i just tell the cashier i dont need a bag- ive got my own.
Mind u i'm in Australia and several years ago there was a big campaign to cut down on plastic bags. You can buy reusable recycled placstic "green bags" everywhere here and people are encouraged to use them for everything. A lot of retailers, big and small, have their own branded bags. They've become quite the fashion accessory!
In Ireland, there is a government levy on all plastic bags of 22c (which would be about 30c in dollars). No shops use plastic bags anymore, all department stores and drug stores etc give out paper bags!!
All grocery stores sell they own bags in either good quality plastic (reusable) or canvas - they call them "bags for life". They are about €1 which is about $1.40 at the moment!
I don't put items in my reusable bags before I get to the register; but at the register it can sometimes take some convincing for the cashier to understand that I want to use my own bag. Several times they have tried to "ring up" my bag as a purchase. I've also found most cashiers and baggers have no idea how to load a bag -- they have gotten used to plastic bags that can only hold one or two items.
I bring my canvas bags and load them myself.
And sometimes I have to take the stuff out of the plastic bag because, while I say repeatedly, "I don't need a bag" the cashier nods and smiles and loads everything into the plastic.
I guess they have a routine...
I have these blue bags that have a little pocket inside to tuck the whole bag into when you aren't using it. Sometimes I get funny looks when I'm buying something nice at a mall store and I'm putting it in my ugly blue bag instead of the fancy store bag. But I don't care because the bags are great and functional!
I live in SF and have been using cloth bags for both grocery and clothes shopping for well over a decade now. The only problem I ever had was a couple of years ago at Whole Food at Franklin/Californa (of all places!). An overzealous security guard confiscated my bags (which were folded in the cart) and held them at flower counter until I was done shopping.
In the past, people were a little surprised that I had my own bags, but now they're so impressed and very approving. (Finally, I'm fashionable ;-)
BTW: Ikea's rectangle-shaped bags with long handles (so you can carry them over your shoulder) are super strong and great for heavy groceries. The Ikea blue bags are great for laundry and hauling paper, plastic, glass recycling to the garbage. Best of all, these bags are only .99cents!
These bags are adorable!
i love these map bags!
i often put department/boutique store purchases in my handbag and haven't gotten any flack for it. most people thank me when i don't use their store's shopping bags. but maybe that's a bay area thing?
I've never had a salesperson look at me even a little bit strange when I say i don't need a bag--and occasionally I get some positive affirmation. In that situation though I don't take a grocery bag with me-i just tuck it in my handbag or carry it out.
I have a Brooklyn one of those bags...but if I'm going to be in more upmarket shops I just make sure my day bag is big. I have an enormous Anna Corinna leather tote and I just chuck everything in that - it stops you from spending too much money as well as your shoulder starts hurting if you put too many things in it! p.s. I saw your place on d.s. in the magazine and I'm dying to know about the copper fireplace - was it like that when you moved in or did you do it?
I always carry my own bag in the Bay Area, traveling, wherever, and get mostly postive response, although many salespeople are on autopilot and Barb's right, though you say it they'll start pulling out a plastic bag, anyway, if you're also not paying attention.
It took me a minute longer but I also eschew the tissue paper. Sure, it's pretty, but it used to go immediately into my recycling, it's usefulness lasting maybe an hour. I recently read a statistic about the amount of tissue paper Americans discard a year, and it's staggering.
within the last year I've been using an Envirosax bag when shopping for non-food items.
they fold up really small so I always have one in my purse for spontaneous shopping. Salespeople give me a funny look but I always save my receipts in case a security guard gives me the once over - which has never happened.
Did I mention they're really cute too!
I use a canvas bag. It's stronger. All you need is your receipt when you exit.
But use their basket/cart while shopping.
Victoria - Have you seen Hero Bags?
They had a booth at the "Eco Chic" Appel and Frank event a couple weeks ago....Cute. - Jess
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