Wednesday, February 27

Unexpected Guests: Mati Rose McDonough.

Today's visit is to another fabulous San Francisco-based artist, Mati McDonough, otherwise known as Mati Rose. Mati shares a studio space in what she calls a compound behind her home with her talented husband and illustrator Hugh D'Andrade, as well as a few other artist friends. Mati says she is "an adult who paints like a child. It has taken her 32 years, 2 schools, and approximately 486 paintings to get to this point." It's a very nice point to be at if you ask me. Sometimes being adult and following your dreams, requires forgetting you're an adult for a little bit, right? Mati's has had numerous shows and has published several illustrations. Let's see what's on Mati's mind today.

Have you attended art school, or is your talent just natural?

I studied painting and illustration at the California College of the Arts (CCA).

What are you most proud of?
Taking the leap to go back to art school at age 29 with kids who were in some cases 10 years younger.

What don't you leave home without?
A small notebook to sketch and scrawl ideas. Currently I'm carrying this beautiful one illustrated by one of my illustration heroes Grady McFerrin. Also I'm big into chapstick/lip gloss...currently loving Tarte organized by days of the week!

What is your favorite film?
I’m going to boring, but Amelie is my reset button.

What's your favorite shop?
I spend a lot of time browsing Therapy in my neighborhood, the Mission. A great clothing, book and card shop for men & women. Once I got a gift certificate from my mother-in-law from the shop (she's the bees knees) and everyone around me looked puzzled when I announced at Christmas that I got a gift certificate to Therapy! I also love the Mission Thrift. We have a good relationship of give and take.

Who is your favorite artist?
Right now Thomas Campbell.

What's souvenir did you bring back from your last trip?
My last trip was to Maine & Vermont and I brought back an incredible book from an antique store that has been fueling my paintings ever since! It's about early American Folk Art. I love the paper cut outs and awkward animal silhouettes drawn during that time.

What's the last great book you read?
The Great Gatsby — I read it for the first time last month!

What's your greatest indulgence?
Thrice weekly mochas and phone calls to my best friend since childhood Bekah, who is not only a public interest lawyer, but makes beautiful hand sautered jewelry.

What's your favorite cafe in San Francisco?
Tartine hands down. A morning bun and a latte in a bowl are the perfect way to start the day.

If you could photograph anyone in the world, who might that be?
My friend Tom Erikson photographed the oldest man in the world in Italy. That would mean I could re-photograph him at an older state (if he’s still alive) and go to Italy!

Who would you like to sit down to tea with?
Maira Kalman.

Do you have a guilty pleasure?
Fresh bread, chocolate and red wine as a meal.

What is your most treasured belonging?
My Grandmother’s wedding rings.

What is your favorite European city and why?
Barcelona… it’s a little like San Francisco but has siestas.

What do you despise?
Mean people.

What's one thing about you that would surprise people?
Hmmm....I drink a ridiculous amount of tea and don't drive or swim well.

What are some of your favorites websites/blogs to visit?
Besides yours, I'm really digging my friend Christine's new inspiration blog: Sparkletopia. Another blog inspiration and indulgence would be fashion blogs... I love The Satorialist and then random ones of random woman in random places wearing cute dresses that randomly inspire me to dress up creatively! Mostly I read blogs written by artists and friends. I feel lucky to have met so many of them since blogging. Two artists and bloggers whom I am constantly inspired by and hope to meet someday soon are Andrea of Hula Seventy and Jenny of True Nature.

What's your favorite word?

What is your idea of living hell?
Being trapped in a cubicle answering phones. Oh, I've been there before and it was not pretty.

Thanks so much Mati for allowing us to visit your studio, your beautiful work and home! You can shop for Mati's lovely artwork at her etsy Suspect Shoppe and read more about her upcoming shows on her website and blog.


lisa solomon said...

mati is such a dear dear person!
so glad you featured her!!

april said...

I love Mati's work! I found her a while back through her etsy shop, and was immediately smitten! I adore the stuff she's been working on with that sort of psychedelic folk art feel to it. I think that finding that book on folk art was the best thing that could have happened to her! So nice!

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful interview! i love these little things i didn't know about such a lovely gal. barcelona! marmalade! :))

Anonymous said...

This is great. I love her artwork and it's so nice to get a sneak peek into her life. I love this series you're doing!

Jamieofalltrades said...

The wall color behind the white large bookcase, what is it? I love it!

matirose said...

THANK you victoria & everyone else for your sweet & thoughtful comments. making my day.
jmcquary- the color is called "love affair" by benjamin moore i think.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mati - Tom here.Antonio Todde, the oldest man on earth at the turn of the last century, is no longer with us, but, believe me there are a lot of great faces to photograph on the island of Sardinia, where Antonio lived his 112 years.

kelly rae said...

so wonderful to see mati over here. and i learned a bit i didn't know, too!

sfgirlbybay said...

thank you Mati! it was a blast! :)

Anonymous said...

Love Her!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I love Mati and her work. She definitely inspires me.

I totally agree with her idea of the perfect meal too!

Kim Carney said...

Love Mati and love her work. Have been a fan for many years. Thank you for interviewing such a talent.

Swirly said...

Wonderful interview!!! So many inspiring links and photographs!!

kelly barton art + design said...

dig girl and fun paintings.

tammie said...

love mati! just took her {and lisa's} "get your paint on" class and it rocked!!

such a great inspiration!

Cindy Farnham said...

My daughter gave me Daring Adventures in Paint a year ago and the skies have opened for me!!!!!! I am having such a great time working with scrape of material on canvas and spray painting my canvases and just letting my creative happiness explode!!!!! I just found you on blog and knew you would be exactly the what you are.....I am working on turtles right now....3 little girl turtles all dressed up!!!!! I am celebrating my 66 the year on earth and feel so alive and blessed thanks to you!!!!! Keep on creating! !!!