Studio des Artistes.
Yesterday, my Unexpected Guests post on Jinnie Lee got me thinking about what other artists' and crafters' studios might look like. Jinnie's was so well organized, spotlessly tidy, and incredibly stylish, I thought I'd see what artist studios I might find on flickr, and what they might look like in comparison. Let's see what kind of shape our right brained, artistic friends out there, keep their work spaces in. We all need our own space to create, whether is be your outside studio space, or even the kitchen table at home. So, should you like to look for more inspiration, I found many of these photos in the Art Studio flickr group, which is just filled with fantastic spaces to help you think about how to create one of your very own.

Man, I'd kill for a studio like Bruener's. Well I wouldn't kill.
Camilla Engman's studio looks so confortable and quiet. Kinda funny because I share my space with my jack russell terrier, too. (a tiny diamond in the rough
these spaces make me swooooon.
how i long for such a sanctuary.
any advise on how to accomplish this in a 750sf apartment?
Great post! I love seeing other peoples work spaces, it is somehow inspiring!
jasna.janekovic's workspace is making me swoon!! As is Lisa Congdon's--I adore her work and have had the pleasure of working with her as an art director at my old job! How cool to see her space!
Is that really your studio? Are those really your windows?? You lucky, lucky gal.
Beautiful. Someday, I hope I have an entire room rather than just a desk crammed into a corner. Of course when that happens I'll probably have my own jet pack and personal robot assistant too. ;-)
Thanks for posting these Victoria!
This is great inspiration to try to get back to my little before and after studio project that halted upon employment :( These are wonderful pics...such a great feature idea, V!
Thanks for letting us know about this flickr group. I just posted photos of my own studio space.
Well, look at that. My favorite workspace is YOURS!!!
Love Hens Teeth's cottage studio! My home/work space is eclectic modern but I love to garden and am drawn to anything cottagey (is that a word?!)! I would get nothing accomplished there- I would be too busy in the garden and enjoying nature. Love it!
Lovely spaces; thanks for the inspiration! I really love the little lamp in your office, on the lack shelf ... I assume it's vintage, but do you have any information on its orgins?
although i love my little studio (a transformed walk-in closet), it does not compare to any of these lovely spaces. somehow i seem to create piles wherever i go. although i love the beauty of your workspace (those windows are simply incredible [it is my favorite of those pictured]), i would probably feel most at home in the lovely clutter of Lisa Congdon's studio. those piles seem to call to me....
WOW!!!!!!!!!! I am AMAZED at such CLEAN and ORGANIZED artist studios... MINE is a DISASTER!!!!! WOW! I'm ashamed... I should get to work immediately... ooooorrrr not... hmmmm
thanks you guys, for sharing your own spaces! and thank you for the nice comments about mine...i do love it there. :)
cevec - it's a really unusual lamp i found at the flea market with a fiberglass shade and wrought-iron base, but i've never seen one like it since and don't know much more about it. thanks, though!
thanks for the post! i love seeing other people's studios. it inspires me to make stuff!
these studios look wonderful! much better than mine! ^^ my space is missing a cute little dog underneath the desk..
I can't believe this is the first time I'm seeing this pool! They all look great, and inspiring.
Wow, you know how some people just have it all figured out? Wish I could be one of them...Awesome studio spaces.
it is like going for a visit to each persons home...i mean the place we make art is our home right? each on is so different! my own taste goes to the open, light and airy with lots of fresh color woks in progress!
your friend, bird tweet robin from down the road
I'm so happy to see scott waterman's studio included. He's one of my faves. And how sweet to see that Camilla engman has her pooch, in pride-of-place, at her feet while she works.
oh! this post came timely! I am just remodeling my studio. Thanks for the inspiration!
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