Tuesday, April 7

Save the Date: Sunday in the City.

I am very excited (and somewhat terrified!) to announce I will have my first photography exhibit ever (well, since like high school) of my 'Sunday in the City' work at the Mission District's own Curiosity Shoppe on April 23rd from 6 - 8pm. If you're in the bay area, I hope you'll please save the date and pop in to the Opening and have a look. If you can't make the Opening, the show will be up until May 24th.

The Curiosity Shoppe

Sunday in the City - April 23, 6-8pm
855 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA. 94110

Pink Slip.
High Tea.

Checkered Past.

Hope to see you there!


Rachel B said...

That's So Great! Your photography is stunning!

erin said...

congratulations! wish i could come check it out. thanks for sharing these ones here though...i love how you've paired them!

Kelly said...

congrats! :) wish i could be in sf to check it out!

Treehouse Collective said...

Congratulations! I might have to skip stamp club for this : )

Dumbo said...

that sounds great!!! wish we could take a plane from Spain... :)
good luck!

Sylvie said...

Can't wait to go to this!
P.S. I sold a white crinoline at Alameda on Sunday, just like the one in your photo, for $5!

Rachel said...

Awesome! Congrats!! Will you have any of your photos available for sale??

sfgirlbybay said...

thanks! i look forward to seeing you there!

yes - i will have prints for sale - some framed, and some unframed. i will also probably start selling them in my etsy shop.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your photography exhibit, Victoria. That must be exciting and a little nerve-racking. You can do it!

~ Vicki :)

casapinka said...

Congrats! I've loved this series of yours...perhaps it will become a book? I'll buy it for sure.

Katherine said...

congratulations, victoria!!! i will definitely pop in to see your beautiful work.

Raya Carlisle said...

Yummy! Wish I could be there - so happy for this!

Willa Home said...

Congratulations! We love The Curiosity Shoppe and it's an amazing venue for your coming out exhibit. We will definitely put this on the list for the 23rd. And if you are ever in Burlingame, please drop by to say hi.
Elena & Lisa

Nadine @ BDG said...

I love the juxtaposition of color and image-- really great pics. Congrats and best wishes, Nadine Bouler

from the right bank said...

Congratulations! How fabulous! Don't be scared =) I'm sure it's going to be a smash. You really have a great eye. Best wishes for a great show!

Kelly said...

Congrats! It's hight time! I love the beauty & wit of your pairings.

Jamie Welsh Watson said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting! You are unique!

ashley oostdyck said...

congrats! so excited for you.

now that is one exhibit I'd love to see. how long is it on for? I'll be in San Fran at the end of may and would love to catch it.

Anonymous said...

I love your photographs, you have a great eye! Thanks for sharing the good news!

kitty said...

Congratulations!!! I have always thought your photographs are brilliant...so happy the rest of the world will get to see them now, too! ;o)


rinske said...

congratulations!! i wish i could justhop over the ocean to visit the show. Have fun!

sfgirlbybay said...

thank you all so much for the support!

if you can't make the opening, the show will be up until May 24th.

Mrs.French said...

How did I miss this! Congrats you! I so wish I could come! xoxo t

haus maus said...

Oh V! This is wonderful news. I wish I could come! Will you have any for sale in your etsy shop?

sfgirlbybay said...

Thanks Traci, and thank you Holly! I wish you girls could be there, too!

I will most likely start selling these prints in the etsy shop, yes. I will probably start listing them when the show is over - on May 24th.

Jennifer said...

Congratulations! I'm arriving from NY earlier that afternoon and hope I can make the opening. It would be great to see your work in person (even though it looks great on a computer screen too)!

q said...

checking my feeds really late, but glad i caught up finally. congrats!!! so happy for you.

i love all the 3 pairings you've got on this page :)

N I C O L A said...

congratulations - how exciting, Sunday in the City is my fave part of your blog - let us know how it went. x

Marisa and Creative Thursday said...

congrats Victoria!!! that is fantastic!!

sfgirlbybay said...

thank you girls!! i am quite excited!

Arthur's Circus said...

congratulations and how exciting. It's great when you have your photos and see them in another environment grouped together, when so often they only live onscreen. I look forward to hopefully seeing photos of the exhibition.

Kari said...

Congratulations V!

sfgirlbybay said...

thanks natalie - i'll be sure and post some pix!

thanks kari!!

Courtney said...

I'm a little belated in saying this, but Congratulations! Your "Sunday in the City" posts might be my most favorite thing about sfgirlbybay. A well-deserved honor. Wish I were near SF so I could stop by the exhibit!

jen jafarzadeh said...

That's so exciting, Victoria! I love what you do with Sunday in the City. And I'm so happy to hear you'll be adding some of those prints to your shop. Wish I were in SF to see in person!

Julie said...

Good Luck!!!! I'd love to come but I'm stuck in San Diego until I graduate. (*sob* I miss SF!)

Melissa said...

That is so awesome Victoria! I have been following your blog for a couple years now, but don't comment very often. I love the look and feel of your blog and your pictures.