Japanese Baby Style.
GUEST BLOGGER: Suzanne Shade
Hello, I'm Suzanne Shade, a friend of Victoria's from San Francisco. I run the Beholder, so you may remember me from her posts on affordable art. She's asked a few folks to guest blog for her this week, and I was thrilled to take part.
I'm having my first baby in September, so I've been doing all the new mommy things... stressing over what color to pain the baby's room and all of that fun stuff. Since this is all new to me, I've needed to find some different sources of inspiration than the usual Domino mag and my blog standbys (sfgirl, of course!)Most things 'American Baby' kind of gross me out, so I remembered a series of books I saw in Japantown here in SF that had Japanese features on European style — I love all of that Euro stuff, so to see it through Japanese eyes makes these books even cooler. The one I chose is from Paris, called Chez les Parisiens. Oh, so casually chic!
After the Kinokuniya Bookstore, I got inspired to go to the neighborhood dollar store to see if their were some cheap baby goodies. The great thing about the Japanese is that even the adult stuff is adorable (where else do you see happy faces on dish scrubbers?).
Lovely. Do you have the title/isbn on that book?
Hi Suzanne... cute post! you will do the baby thing with style!
hello. where are the kewpie things w/"hats" from??
I LOVE the dish scrubber:)
oh my... i want the kewpie dolls... dare i say i NEED the kewpie dolls. where from????
oh, and yes, would you mind sharing the title/isbn on the book??
the big white paper lamp in the picture with the book is from Ikea. Saw it yesterday in Emeryville.
Hi all, Here are the deets on the book and the kewpie dolls. The title of the book is called 'Chez Les Parisiens' and is published in Japan by Editions de Paris. Since it's published outside the US, it has no ISBN. I'd contact the Kinokuniya bookstore (link above) by e-mail to see if they'd arrange to ship it. That's also where those dolls came from.
Actually ISBN is short for International Standard Book Number, most books have them regardless of their publishing country of origin.
Just a little googling turned up the ISBN for this book: 9784573011984
I'm seriously addicted to this series! The book is a series called Jeu de Paume and Kinokunia sells lots of them. They have a series of books about children's rooms in various cities, Paris, London, Stockholm, etc. You can check out the flikr link to the Jeu de Paume inspired photos http://www.flickr.com/groups/paumeinspired/
You can order them through this website: http://www.yvestown.com/archives/yvonnes_book_club/
Happy Shopping!
Valley of the Dolls in LA carries loads of Japanese doll lines. They don't have any Kewpies on the site right now, but you can call Scot the owner. He has a few for sale.
Valley of the Dolls
I was just in Little Tokyo in LA ans realized that those dolls are Sunny Angels. We bought one today at one of the bookstores. Valley of the Dolls in LA carries Sunny Angels too.
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